du groupe TREPONEM PAL. INTERVIEW 1993. DECIBELS STORM ZINE.I think you all know this French band, Treponem pal, coming from the Paris area. They are the first (not the lest I hope) french band signed by Roadrunner and they plat' a mix of alot of difffrent music like:Thrash, Hard Core and Industrial. Their first LP produced by Franz Treichler from the Young Gods, was released in September 89. "Aggravation" is the tille of the 2nd LP of the band. Those both records were really well received by the international press. After this, the band started to tour with bands litre Godflesh, Prong or Ministry. After some changement of line up, Treponen Pal is composed. now of: Marco Neves (vocals), Michel Bassin (guitar), Alain Fornasari (bass), Didier Serbourdin (drains) and Amadou Sall (guitar). With this lire up, the band entered the studio in january 93 to record their 3rd LP, still produced by Franz Freichler. This interwiew is with Marco.Your two first LP were better received by the international press than the french press. How can you explain this? It's simply because this kind of music is more popular abroad than in France. In France, it starts to be better, there’s more band like us now, but it’s true that in USA, England or Germany , things are getting better for us.The French public is really late for the music. France isn’t a rock country and it’s disastrous. Hard Rock audience is still buying shit like Iron Maiden in contrary of other country who have passed to other bands. So, can we say that your kind of music is more marginal than Thrash or Death Metal? Its more.intense and it really takes you from the guts so we deranged more. It's rot especially more marginal but it’s really différent from Death Metal. When you have heard one LP of Death Metal , you know them all. I liked the old Celtic Frost for exemple, but since this time, there are thousands bands who are doing the something.They have all pitched vocals, low guitars and finally they haven’t a real personality If bands like Minislry or Treponen pal are successfull, it’s because the public needs an other music, an other energy. Something more interesting is coming from the decline of the actuel civilisation. People started to react. They reacted in die lite as for the music. They have violent reactions, withmurder, civil vars... it’s the saine for music. People want to lister to more brutal stuff. What do you think of all this musical style like Death, Thrash..:! It’s an obligation for the press because press needs to put name of style for all bands. Persornally, I’m still really open minded. When it was the Thrash, it was crazy to hear all this speed bands. When something brings new to the music it’s cool. Don’t you think that it's a new fashion who will diseapear?... Yeah, everything disepear. Everything is true at the beginning and became a fashion after. You have only to kown how to change yourself and it’s that we are trying to do. We always prescrit something different for each record, and it’s prehaps the reason why we don' t sell as much records as we can expect.
You had the chance to take tours with bigs bands. How do you find those tours and can you tell us your impressions about those tours? Concerning Prong, it’s them who took us. At the same time Sepultura told us that they also wanted us for their tour and it was evident that it was better for us to play with Prong. It was better from a musical point of view. It’s the same for Godflesh. We met them when they have made out first gigs in England and then they proposed us to play on their tour. It’s really pleasant to make tours with such bands because we are also very good friends. Where do you receive the best support? I think it’s in Germany and in USA. Can you present your new LP? It was released in june. It was produced by Frantz from the Young Gods. He’s a very good friend of us and we all knew that he could do a really good job. It’s the most important thing. We are really happy of our. This album is more opened than before. Our two first LP were darker. We are still playing the same style, but the music is heavier. We also tried to have some kind of groove to make people move on the music. My 3 favourites tracks of this LP are "crimson garden", "pushing you too far" and "nowhere land". Why did you choose to record this LP in Geneve (Switzerland)? It was more for financial reasons and also because Frantz was knowing the studio and the owner of it so it was better for us to go there. It’s really strange, but for us its cheapier to record in Geneve than in France. What do you want to expres with the cover and who created the concept? It’s me...We didn't want to show something special. It shows the music of the record Where did you look the inspiration for this new LP? I dont know...It's boring this question! ...we tried to have music coming more from the guts. We tried to translate musically hard drugs. Do you have projects for the holidays or another tour? For the moment we started to rehearse with a new member with a sampler and it will take the summer. We’ll make a video for the title "pushing you too far" with a company from Chicago who have made the video of Ministry or Nine Inch Nails. And in september we’ll start another tour. It will last about six months. We should be with Prong in USA in october, but nothing is sure and after the rest of Europe. To conclude this interview, if Treponen Pal had a question to ask to Treponen pal?... Ah, ah..It's a good question I'm trapped...What do you make in fact? Where are you really now?